Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shaindle Horowitz
Sandy Bass
Sandy Shortlidge

This blog is for fans to post their remembrances of any of the above people.

Actually the above people are only some of the many manifestations of one person.

This person I know as Sandy. She married my father when I was in my later teens. She caused him so much love and frolic and fun... he was absolutely mad about Sandy. My father, Raphael Johnson Shortlidge Jr., devoted himself to Sandy after knowing her for one or two evenings! He fathered two beautiful daughters with Sandy, and helped raise them in a very special household in deed. When he met Sandy, she was living in Burlington Vermont, USA, and when he left her (dieing in the mid 1980s) they had been living rather idyllic life for many years just outside the walls of the Old City in Jerusalem, Israel.

Anyway, I will sound in again, but my intention now is to open up this blog, and ask others to chime in on their rememberances of Sandy... or whomever you knew her as.

Sandy passed out of this life today, after many months of fighting a sudden bout of fierce disease in later life. She lived a long and very productive and loving life. She had one of the most intense and infectious smiles of anyone I have ever met, and good will to match.

I am very interested to hear what others remember about Sandy.

Josh Shortlidge